How to Properly Store Baking Powder To Last a Long Time

Baking Powder is an ingredient that is commonly used in many recipes as a leavening agent.
And in this article, I will discuss tips on how to properly store your baking powder so that you can extend its life.
Now the key to extending the usability of baking powder is to try and store it away from any air and moisture. Both of which affect its potency and function as a leavening agent.
What is Baking Powder and how does it work?
Baking Powder is a mixture of a carbonate or bicarbonate and a weak acid.
It works by releasing carbon dioxide gas into the batter or dough through an acid-base reaction, causing bubbles in the wet mixture to expand and thus leavening the mixture. The base and acid are prevented from reacting prematurely by the inclusion of a buffer such as cornstarch.
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Tips to make your Baking Powder Last Longer
If you are planning on stocking up on large quantities of Baking Powder and don’t have plans to use it immediately. You have to store it well for it to last a long time.
Baking powder can have an indefinite shelf life when kept free of moisture and contamination. But generally, baking powder comes with a best-if-used-by date of around 18-24 months.
There are three different methods to maximize the lifespan of your Baking Powder:
- Storing your baking powder in mason jars and use a food sealing system (vacuum) to remove the air from the jar.
- Vacuum sealing baking powder in bags.
- By storing the ingredients used to make Baking Powder in Mylar bags and then using them to make your own Baking Powder.
1. Storing Baking Powder in Mason Jars by using a vacuum system
A Food Vacuum System removes the air from either the bags or Jars used to store the baking powder and creates an airtight seal to lock in freshness. Air is one of the main causes of mold and food spoilage,
In this method, you will need to use a mason jar to store the baking powder. You will also need to use a canning jar attachment from the food saver machine to seal the Baking Powder in the jar.
Vacuum Systems usually allow your baking powder to lasts for 6 months to a year and maybe even longer.
Now if the baking powder is over a year I would recommend testing it to see if it is still active before using it. Don’t worry keep reading gonna walk you through how to test your baking powder at the end of the article.
How to Store Baking Powder in a mason jar
What you will need
- Baking Powder
- Very clean and dry Mason Jars.
- A food saver machine with Jar Sealing Attachment
- A Funnel to place over the Mason Jar
Steps to Storing Baking Powder in Mason Jars
- First, use a deep spoon to ladle the baking powder into the jars.
- Then full the jars up just leaving about a half-inch of space.
- Next, place a coffee filter or cupcake liner at the top of the jar.
- You see when removing the air from the jar the food saver may suction some of the baking powder and become blocked. The filter or liner acts as a barrier between the baking powder and the machine.
- Now soak the jar lids in hot water. Wipe the jar lids until they are completely dry.
- Remove any remnants of the baking powder by wiping the around the ring lid of the jar.
- To use the food saver with the canning jar attachment, just place the flat lid on top of the jar – you don’t need the ring to hold the lid on.
- Then set the canning jar vacuum seal attachment on top, connect it to the hose attachment and press the “Start” button on the vacuum sealer appliance. (The hose attachment comes with the Food Saver unit.
- The canister attachment will vacuum out the air from the jar.
- Finally, place the ring around the lid of the Mason Jar.
- You can see how it is done in the video below.
2. Vacuum Sealing Baking Powder in Bags
Baking Powder can be vacuum sealed in bags so that it will last longer. However, vacuum sealing powders may be tricky so it is important to follow this guide so as to avoid any damage to your vacuum sealing system.
This is because the particles of baking powder are so small, they may become sucked into the vacuum system and damage the food saver system.
I would recommend placing the baking powder in another zipper food bag, pricking the top with a safety pin before placing the zipper bag into the vacuum bag. The zipper bag is a barrier to stop the powder from being sucked into the system.
Steps to Vacuum Sealing Baking Powder in Bags
- First, remove the baking powder from its original packaging and place it in a food-safe zipper bag.
- Next, try to remove as much air before sealing the zipper bag.
- Using a safety-pin prick a large number of tiny holes just below the zipper. This will allow the air to be removed by the food system but not the baking powder.
- Now, place the zipper bag upside down in the vacuum bags. (The zipper side with the holes should be at the bottom).
- If when turning the zipper bag upside down some of the baking powder might escape from the tiny holes and fall into the bottom of the vacuum bag.
- Don’t panic this is normal, and because it is at the bottom, most likely it won’t get sucked up into the system
- Place the unsealed top of the vacuum bag to connect to the system and start the machine.
- The machine will remove any excess air from the bag without suctioning the baking powder.
- Write the date and the contents, on the bag.
- You can see how it is done in the video below.
3. Storing the ingredients used to make baking powder in Mylar bags
Lastly you can store the ingredients that are used to make baking powder in Mylar Bags. You see Baking Soda and Cream of Tartar can be stored indefinitely in Mylar bags and then used to make baking power.
Vacuum-sealing can increase the shelf life of foods by 3-5 times. But, when it is long-term storage that you want (5+ years), then Mylar is the way to go.
Mylar Bags were first used by NASA for blankets and long-term supply storage. They are incredibly flexible and strong, perfect for storing food when sealed properly. Mylar bags create a barrier between your food and the effects of the environment such as heat, light, moisture, and oxygen.
They are reusable, making them great value too. Mylar bags can be sealed with a simple clothes iron.
How to store Baking Powder Ingredients in Mylar Bags
Remove the baking soda and cream of tartar from its manufacturer’s package and store in separate individual Mylar bags.
Seal with the heat from a hot iron and store in separate buckets with an airtight lid.
Use a sharpie marker to write the contents and date of packaging directly on any buckets and Mylar bags as well.
Sugar, salt, baking soda, and baking powder should be stored in mylar bags without oxygen absorbers.
How to make your own Baking Powder
Use 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar and one teaspoon of baking soda with one teaspoon of cornstarch (optional). Mix the baking soda and cream of tartar together until well combined.
This will give you one tablespoon of baking powder. You can adjust the measurements proportionally to your needs.
If you plan on storing your home-made baking powder, to use for another time add a teaspoon of cornstarch to the mixture and stir. This will absorb any moisture from the air and prevent the mixture from clumping. And then store in an air-tight container until you are ready to use it.
How to Store Small Quantities of Baking Powder
The key to storing Baking Powder is to keep in away from moisture and store it in an airtight container in a clean, dry, and dark area in your home.
Once you open the package, of baking powder, keep it sealed tightly. If you are not planning to use in the near future, it best to transfer it to an airtight container and keep it in a dark cupboard or pantry.
The box that baking powder usually comes in they will keep the moisture out and the contents dry, for a short period of time if the box is unopened.
Eventually, these containers will lose their effectiveness and breathe in humidity and moisture. This will occur sooner if the box is left in a humid environment, that is why is advised to store it in a dry area.
However, moisture can still seep in so it is best to transfer it to an airtight container if you are not planning to use it in a short time frame.
How to Test Baking Powder
It is important to test your baking powder before using it especially if it has already been opened for a period of time.
To test your baking powder you need to mix 1 tsp. in 1/3 cup warm water. If bubbles form, then it is safe to use as a leavening agent. And if it is not active, you can throw it out.
I also have an in-depth article on How to store Bulk Yeast Properly you can click here to read it.